Underwater Burning Specialist
Florida Commercial Diving Institute has been developed by a skilled and dedicated team of working divers and dive supervisors with over a century of combined experience in the commercial diving industry.

Florida Commercial Diving Institute (FCDI) is leading the industry in providing advanced expert training in oxy-arc cutting. We offer the highest level 1 of UBS certification available. Although students have been trained in the Safety, Operation, and Practical application of underwater burning while in the NSSD and USSD programs. Our stand-alone specialist course reinforces skills and knowledge through extensive hands-on practice.
Industry Requirements:
Employers must provide operator training before personnel conduct oxy-arc cutting operations.
All dive personnel and supervisors engaged in underwater oxy-arc cutting operations must be familiar with industry-established safe practices and standards of use as found in the Association of Diving Contractors International “Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving” and International Marine Contractors Association “Guidelines for Oxy-Arc Cutting”.
FCDI is currently conducting ongoing stand-alone training of commercial diving personnel in the safe and efficient use of underwater oxy-arc burning.
1 Week/ 40 Hours
Contact us for other advanced and specialized courses, Supervisor Training, PLAR or cross-over training
The course will be presented in two parts:
1. SAFETY, One day, Open to all diving personnel, dive school students, Client Reps, government agencies and any others who may have an interest.
2. PRACTICAL, Four days, open to experienced dive personnel. Students will be trained on exothermic and tubular electrodes and will be competent on pipe and plate up to 2″ thickness.

The complete course is designed to meet or exceed:
1. HSE OTH 349 Evaluation, selection and development of subsea cutting techniques.
2. ANSI/ACDE 01-2009 Standards, 28.0 Introduction to Underwater Burning and Welding.
3. IMCA D003 Guidelines for Oxy-Arc Cutting
4. ADCI Rev. 6.2, 5.31 Welding and Burning
5. Ocean Technologies Oxy-Arc Underwater Burning Course Rev. 0